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This is where the magic begins! After all it's your perspective which has guided you into the space in which you now exist. However, you have called Organized Chaoz into your experience because you desire change. In order for that to happen you must allow my "outer" perspective to take the lead and TRUST THE PROCESS. There is no law of assertion therefore the Organization Creation is the most essential part of the process for it challenges YOU to "let go" as Organized Chaoz creates changes specifically desiged to benefit YOU!!! | ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The Organization Creation is trial process where I observe how open you, your administration, and your staff are to changes created to bring your vision into fruition. I will be available to you for one week (5 days, 20 hours) to learn how you, your administration, and your staff operate your business. Consider me an "Innergy Manipulator" who will maneuver energy throughout your organization to physically produce results. Here we will find the assests and liabilities within your organization.

Organization Creation

SKU: 105
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